Design Eye
You are a student competing for acceptance into a prestigious design school called The Haas and must build a strong portfolio to get in.
Learn about the major disciplines and fundamentals of graphic design. Sketch your own ideas and present them to your opponents for critique or speed test your design knowledge with flash cards. Doing both earns you points to gain Portfolio Cards (cards that represent each work in your portfolio).
The first to finish building their portfolio wins—gets accepted into The Haas!
Design Eye Pro
You’ve made it into The Haas and even graduated from it. The knowledge of the major disciplines and fundamentals of graphic design are now in your creative arsenal. But your creative journey doesn’t end here. You are now a growing design professional, entering a design studio made up of like-minded thinkers and doers. You and your team must compete with other teams to solve the most projects for a diverse roster of clients. Only the studio with the best ideas is the one who wins.
Design Eye Harmony
Color makes life look a lot more enjoyable. And no one knows a good palette better than you. Right? Well, prove you’ve got the best eyes in this quick, strategic color matching game. Be the first to play a harmonious 5-card wave of colors to win!